All about my inane ideas

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I got into a little conflict (overnight) with some people I sort of collaborate with. I was asked to proof some translations that turned out to be unbelievably badly done. Like, some parts were left blithely untranslated, the sentences didn't altogether make sense, tons of typos. These people are mainly students and I can't get over the sense that they feel that they aren't altogether responsible for their work. Like, it doesn't matter how well they do it because it's just an assignment. Except that it isn't. So I wrote them some irate feedback and got an email back this morning saying that because I'm a psychologist I really should have more in my feedback arsenal than irritation, and that perhaps what I wrote will defeat the purpose and be de-motivating rather than motivating. To which I say:
  1. I have as much a right to be an asshole as the next guy, my occupation notwithstanding.
  2. When did I become the motivator-in-chief? Motivate Yourselves, You Twits! My goal in life is not to motivate You to do Your jobs well! You're not my students or my employees! You're my so-called partners in an endeavour that YOU CARE ABOUT DOING WELL (at least theoretically).
  3. My purpose was to tell You that people NOTICE when You do a CRAP JOB and they get IRRITATED. So I guess I was successful after all!
  4. Goddamn.

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