All about my inane ideas

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Today I recalled one of the many, multitudinous, various and variegated reasons I adore Dave. I was once TA-ing for his course and expressed pleasure that one of the students had, in a blind-graded exam, achieved the highest grade, because at the time he was my favourite student (chair of the college democrats, in general adorable, etc.). Dave then asked, "Oh, are You dating him?" as if it were the most natural and not-at-all-imprudent thing to do. This I mention because it contrasts with today's NYT The Ethicist column, in which Randy Cohen writes "To respect professional boundaries benefits professor as well as student, making it easier for the former to teach and the latter to learn." Of course, I'm just mentioning this in passing, not as if it's particularly relevant or anything.


  1. By the way, of course I wasn't. Dating the student.

  2. I thought that dating your students was one of those time-honoured traditions that went all the way back to Plato. What is it with Universities these days?


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