All about my inane ideas

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I just realized that I haven't named my computer yet. My old laptop was called Mourning, until it got a new hard drive and then I renamed it GiveMeNoGrief. But I have no real ideas for the new one. Man. Where in blazes am I supposed to find the inspiration for this? I feel very much at a loss. Gah. Eek. Argh.


  1. My machines have been called variously Paszczak, Buka, Mi, Jaevel, Puppy, Minipuppy, and Krzys's Powerbook 15". But soon, if all goes well, I will also be facing this problem.

  2. Po lakierze do paznokci to już jest jawna prowokacja. I'd suggest Love Machine.

  3. I think my favourite computer name ever is HeyZeus.

  4. I'm going to name it Cambios, probably. I can't think of anything more appropriate.*

    * see how 'Love Machine' is just barely excluded by that criterion?


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