All about my inane ideas

Monday, August 31, 2009

You know You're in Norway when...

- women are shown eating real food (like pizza! not yogurt!) in TV ads!
- four different kinds of fish are served at breakfast
- there are breakfast danishes too, but they are the smallest cutest (deliciousest) danishes You've ever seen (portion control!)
- I'm the person in the room wearing the MOST make-up (and I'm not the only woman!)
- the stairs are more visible than the elevators
- they're all wearing skinny jeans -- oh, no, wait, that could be anywhere
- the men are all so TALL AND BLOND AND GORGEOUS
- breathing is noticeably pleasant
- You are weaving along a rocky path in Your 5th hour of an uphill climb and are passed by a cheerful jogger
- oh yeah, I had forgotten about this: they're all overdressed for running, no one seems to wear shorts

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