All about my inane ideas

Friday, May 29, 2009

I've agreed to do this university radio show on psychology (archives available online [log in as guest][warning: in Polish!]) and I'm listening to past programs to get a sense of what it's like. I'm invited to talk about sexism. They did a show on stereotypes & prejudice with one of my colleagues (totes not bad) and one on "the psychology of women" --> which I am listening to right now and which is driving me stark raving BONKERS!!! It's all about PMS and sexuality. GodDAMN. Does woman HAVE to = bodily functions? Can You imagine a show on "the psychology of men" focussing exclusively on wet dreams and premature ejaculation? FFS. DO WE NOT HAVE A MENTAL LIFE. For God's sake. I should have known, the title itself should have been warning enough. Oh, and here come the eating disorders!!


  1. I totally agree. Show would have been more comprehensive if they had included Uncalled-for Fits of Jealousy and Taking One Hour To Choose A Shirt When Going Out.

  2. I think when the host asks me for examples of sexism I have encountered recently I'm going to have to mention that episode.

  3. Now, I won't say that men are more likely than women to have PMS or eating disorders, but the Fits of Jealousy? The taking hours to prepare for going out? My heavens.


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