All about my inane ideas

Monday, June 15, 2009

It's funny, I took my brother to my PT yesterday (he's terrifically sore today, poor kid) (my brother, that is) and then afterwards we went to eat fish chowder then killed some time at my hiphop "recital" and then when I took him home we talked to my stepmother about what kinds of exercises he had done with the PT, and she quite interestedly said "What did he say? Is there hope??"

This, after last week, when she emphatically forbade me to take him to the PT because he's a kid and should be out playing soccer with friends not going to a PT. I can't decide if this is a testament to my negotiation skills or her mental imbalance.


  1. What are hiphop classes like? Post some videos or something. What's the M/F ratio?

  2. 1. the music is far more tolerable than at any other dance class (apart from reggaeton)

    2. no videos forthcoming. only personal showings are available, so I can track audience response.

    3. there are far more (much younger than me) women than (much younger than me) men, just like every other dance class (apart from the engaged-couples classes)


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