All about my inane ideas

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Here's something I took off my dating profile today, because Lalee said I should write less negative stuff. Ha ha. So out of my whole sardonic profile I chose to take out this. Funnnnnyyyyyyy. Anyway. Thought I'd keep it around somewhere. This was under "most private thing You're willing to share here" or something like that.

I have relocated Way. Too. Many. Times.

I think it's because I have trouble compromising the various characteristics that are important in a place to live. Does open sky outweigh rampant uniformity? Should proximity to family be prioritized over congruence of societal values to mine? Can a short distance to a reasonable running path compensate for a long distance to a modern art museum? Where is my promised land?! Why can't I have it all?! I WANT ROOM SERVICE!

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