All about my inane ideas

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yesterday Mom and I went to a outdoor concert of world music at the Dominican Cathedral in Warsaw. It was a good concert. Full of hitherto unknown instruments, percussive bones and such, and a Norwegian woman who warbled something amazing. But it reminded me of how I never go to concerts, or plays, or anything purely spectatorly. I just get too bored. Dance is somewhat better because then I spend time thinking about how awesome the human body is (and lusting after the performers). But plays and music aren't enough to maintain my focus. It could be that this would be rectified by a greater education in music or the theatrical arts, so my brain would be more actively occupied. But as it is, I'm reaffirmed in my tendency fill out my free time with more fully engaging* activities.

* speaking of engaging, my PT told me today that it is not true that I don't have enough core strength to do the things I want to do. I just don't engage my core strength when I'm doing something that doesn't directly use it, like twists or crunches or whatever. I isolate too much. I will, apparently, become better at throwing things if I use my torso and legs for it. I think this is just part of my general physical tendency to use as little movement as possible, to expend as little energy as possible. It's evolutionarily valid, You have to admit.

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