All about my inane ideas

Friday, February 27, 2009

I just learned, and You'll never believe this, that "wrought" is actually a past participle of "WORK"!! Not some other stand-alone verb meaning something similar to "worked over". Who knew?!! Who? Knew? I'm stunned. Stunned. When told me that my jaw quite literally dropped.
It has not been a good year for watches.

Watch #1: First the band loop busted, and the light stopped working, and then the whole watch followed suit.

Watch #2: Recovered from drawer at bro's, where it had over a neglected year developed unsightly splotches on face. Band shortly broke.

Watch #3: Clearly averse to taking showers.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

On my run today I was listening to TAL, the episode about Plan B, and I realized that if someone asked me if I was on Plan A or B or what I'd have to concede, essentially, that I'm not following any sort of plan. I don't know that I ever had a plan. I've just sort of been doing what required least decision-making. If I had to admit to having a plan then I suppose I would say I'm on Plan A. When I was at university I wanted to get a PhD and then come back to UW to teach. So I guess this is success. Is what I'm saying.
I like listening to classical music as I walk around town. It makes me feel like I'm in a movie. This is a following shot when the protagonist walks around town. Possibly she's thinking about something. Deeply. It requires a backdrop of classical music.

For those of You who don't speak Polish, the Polish term for "classical music" is "serious music". I always wondered if this was a reactionary term, introduced as a counter to the frivolity of, say, the Beatles.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I went to my History of Feminism class today, which is taught by the same person who taught Sexuality in Feminist Texts last semester. She told me my paper for that class was awesome. Man, I should take classes for a living. I fricking do it so well.
I think I have to move back to a more paper-pencil form of organizational crutch. I have ceased entering information into my cell phone and have not replaced that system yet with any other. Good thing I didn't chuck the UW day planner I was given this year. (Ah! It's so lovely to have an administrative function that guarantees, if nothing else, a nice UW day planner for me every year!)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I've been watching this season's American Idol shows online and I've got two things to say.

I think Ryan Seacrest is unbelievably good at his job. It seems like nothing human is alien to him, as we say in Polish. But he really gained my total admiration when he told some raging post-audition teenager "Hey, don't do that, that's Your mom."

I've been thinking about what separates me from all these contestants, who (seemingly regardless of actual ability) have this desperate need to sing to the world. It's funny, they all talk about having this stuff inside they want to express. I can identify with having stuff inside, sure. But I don't often want to express it. In fact, I often want people to mind their own business. Who is the weirdo in this scenario?

Friday, February 20, 2009

When I go to North America, Poland feels intolerable to me.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I'm so looking forward to one day being well-rested.

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