All about my inane ideas

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Today at my Norwegian class we were talking about indirect speech and one of the examples was "I asked her to meet me here." I conveyed this in indirect speech thus: "He said he asked her to meet him here." The instructor said that in indirect speech "here" becomes "there".  I protested. Then another student insisted that it is a rule in English too that in indirect speech "here" becomes "there". I said, "no, it doesn't". Then she said that she is an English teacher and yes it does. Then I said "I'm a native speaker, and sorry but You're teaching Your students wrong." (Obviously not in a very conciliatory mood today.) Then the instructor told us to stop arguing about it, because it wasn't super relevant to the lesson. And I exited the interaction with my stereotype of Polish English teachers being incompetent confirmed, and she exited the interaction, I'm sure, with her stereotype of native speakers being arrogant  ignorant assholes intact.

Hurrah, Humanity.

Monday, April 15, 2013

I did a very civically responsible thing today, and I want to feel good about it; but what I feel is like a freak, because people in this town don't stop for crying drunken people to make sure they are safe.

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