All about my inane ideas

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

On my way home from training* tonight I passed a parked car in which sat two individuals, one of whom was pointing a very large zoom lens (attached to a camera, one assumes) in the direction of a restaurant window, in which sat an older man with a woman, eating what appeared to be scrumptious morsels and having what appeared to be a delightful conversation. I thought for a moment that I should go into the restaurant and perhaps mention to them that they seem to be playing for an undetected audience. But I didn't. Should I have? What's the moral thing to do here?

*yeah, I'm flaunting it

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I got a short questionnaire to fill out after my first triathlon training sess today. Let's see if I can answer these questions easily....

1. Experience with sports. Hhmmm.

2. Personal bests. Should I mention my terrible marathon times, or my less-yet-still-embarrassing half-marathon time?

3. Health problems/injuries. I have to tell them about my rotator cuffs so they never make me dive.

4. Time You can devote to training. Since I am basically doing nothing this semester, I'm just going to go ahead and say "infinity".

5. Your expectations from AT training. I hope they don't laugh when they see my bicycle. But I expect them to.

6. Planned starts. I dunno, should I tell them I have ambitions, or the truth?

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