All about my inane ideas

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Today M asked L if he knew my brother, and I realized how much my social life in Warsaw is defined by my brothers and how completely absent that aspect of my identity is from my NY social life.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The funny thing about this image is that the name of the file is "Screen shot 2011-11-11 at 11.10.40 AM".

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Probably I look silly, biking around town in one white (golf) glove and one black (running) glove, but anyway I'm thinking of changing it up because golf gloves provide no warmth.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Today at the library the security guard waited until I had casually, comfortably, without haste or alacrity, scanned my card to enter the library before telling me I had to go to the cloakroom to leave my jacket. This was mainly irritating/funny because I *intentionally* moved slowly, without the resoluteness that might have challenged his reflexes, being unsure of the jacket-cloakroom policy, to give him time to interrupt before I scanned my card. Geez man. Were You waiting to make sure I absolutely was a library patron before stopping me? What else could I have been doing, there, in the lobby, where there really is nothing to do apart from scanning one's library card in order to enter the library?

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