All about my inane ideas

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Today at the library the security guard waited until I had casually, comfortably, without haste or alacrity, scanned my card to enter the library before telling me I had to go to the cloakroom to leave my jacket. This was mainly irritating/funny because I *intentionally* moved slowly, without the resoluteness that might have challenged his reflexes, being unsure of the jacket-cloakroom policy, to give him time to interrupt before I scanned my card. Geez man. Were You waiting to make sure I absolutely was a library patron before stopping me? What else could I have been doing, there, in the lobby, where there really is nothing to do apart from scanning one's library card in order to enter the library?

1 comment:

  1. Oh I know the answer to this one! Clearly, the security guard was Norwegian.


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