All about my inane ideas

Friday, September 10, 2010

Today I realized my employee profile is just like a profile on an internet dating site. It hits the exact same tone.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Another thing I wanted to add about my TV preferences. I was thinking about what exactly disturbs me about BtVS, because in fact I do like other shows that are not deeply emotional (e.g., Community). It's that horrible and dramatic things happen in this show and people respond like it's a minor disappointment, like the cafeteria is out of Your favourite jello flavour. I don't mind people acting flip about things that are actually insignificant. Otherwise I'd have to hate comedies. But the emotional reality in Buffy is not my emotional reality, at all. So I end up thinking they're all monsters.

Here's another thing that came to mind recently as I took a number of bus trips around the area. The topography of this place demands patience. You see the place You want to go, it looks quite near, but then it turns out it's another 40km away because You have to take a roundabout (land) route instead of hoping across the fjord. I think this contributes to the general relaxedness of the Norwegians around me. You grow up in a place where instant gratification is unlikely, You learn to take it easy and expect that Your goals will be eventually met. As opposed to those whacked-out Poles, who don't take anything easy because their past is filled with frustration and rivalry.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Despite appearances I have, in fact, been thinking a lot in recent days.

One coherent thing I have been thinking about is how being in a place where I don't know anyone is actually bad for me. It's very restful but it is also depressing. I prefer the frantic pace of my Warsaw or NY life. Even though I absolutely adore running here.

And I adore the fact that the women are more me-shaped than the women in Warsaw. That makes me feel like I could go shopping and find clothes that fit me, if I were willing to buy things in the "5x more expensive than I will agree to" price range. The main difference is the hip-waist ratio, which in PL seems to always be close to 1 (either they're really skinny and have no booty, or they're really thick and have no waists). Women here are curvy. What do You think of this unfriendly analysis, social observers?

The men here are just somehow effortlessly beautifully built. This I was thinking about in harsh contrast to M, who has recently gotten much fitter and at the same time gaunt enough to be essentially unattractive. Don't tell him I said that.

The other main thing I have been thinking about is how people like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I bought Season 1 off iTunes because it was on summer sale and because A loves it and M has expressed his enjoyment of it too. I've watched a few episodes and while I agree that it is witty and clever, it has no emotional resonance to me. It's too surface level. I could watch another episode, but I could just as well not watch another episode, because these people act like nothing much moves them either way. They bounce back from anything with 15 seconds of banter. So, basically, the only TV I truly enjoy is FNL and the Wire and MM and the WW. Oh, and Parks and Recreation. That's good.

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