All about my inane ideas

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A couple of things happened today:
  1. I met my next-door neighbour. Apparently we have been neighbours since 1994 but she has been renting the place out, and of course I haven't been here nonstop. I mentioned that I was interested in buying if she was ever interested in selling.
  2. In class two students claimed to have read an article about how the sons of single mothers are more likely to be homosexual. I dunno, I try to keep up on the science in these matters, and I have never heard of such a study. Maybe it exists. Luckily I was not alone in my skepticism and one of the other students pointed out that sons of single mothers might just be more likely to admit it. But if anyone knows of such a study, let me know, aight?
  3. Also, my triathlon trainer said something appalling when we were doing our post-run stretches about breathing in and lifting our arms like a [derogatory term for male dancer]. I'm about to compose a friendly but clear email to him about how inappropriate that was. He's a clueless small-town youngster.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dziś w Warszawie Manifa, więc są zmiany w komunikacji miejskiej.

...wtedy można co?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I googled myself today and discovered an online conversation my students had back in 2006 about what my political beliefs might be, and how they are reflected in the fact that I carry my backpack on my front, rather than my back. (This observation itself quite stirred their imaginations.)

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