All about my inane ideas

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Unforeseen consequences of stereo acquisition:

1. No readily visible clock to see what time it is when I wake up mid-sleep. Ha ha! As opposed to waking up mid-wake! Ha ha!

2. Took out stacks of CDs that had been wrapped from moving 4 years ago, relocated to dresser, thus bookshelf by bed somewhat more tidy.

3. Listening to a lot of neglected music!!

4. Regret from not having >1 CD slots.

5. VOLUME CONTROL ON THE RADIO!! I mean, "volume control on the radio" (ssshhh!!) Wo0t!

6. Startling pleasure from having a source of activity in my apartment other than the implement of torture upon which I currently type. It makes me feel like the laptop doesn't have to be the sole focus of my small lonely life. Dude, I'm sitting here, and there's shit going down BEHIND ME! THAT I AM NOT EVEN LOOKING AT!

7. Today I got some spam from someone/thing called "Ciamaka" heh heh heh heh heh! OK that's unrelated by still funny.

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