All about my inane ideas

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I really appreciate the school cafeteria's attempts at expanding the vegetarian options on the menu. As soon as a new carrot loaf appears, I try it out. Cabbage loaf, lentil loaf, rice-and-egg loaf, I'm all over it. Cheese and potato crepes--bring 'em on. I even occasionally re-order these items, if the spinach crepes or zucchini pancakes with tzatziki sauce are sold out. But today they served up something I won't order again, despite my generally uncritical approach to foodstuffs*, and I suspect You will agree that it was not the cook's most insightful moment: cabbage rolls stuffed with pearl barley and mushrooms (so far it sounds quite reasonable, no? even, potentially, gustatorily interesting?) in a cheesy cream sauce.


I am worried. It is possible that whoever thought of combining boiled cabbage with a heavy creamy-sort-of-cheese sauce had just had a stroke. To the kitchen, medics!

* when it comes to taste. Not, some of You will quickly point out, when it comes to ingredients. I do favour high-protein meat-free products, preferably accompanied by complex carbohydrates, no sugar, a spatter of caffeine.....


  1. That sounds really tasty.

  2. It was disgusting. Try boiling cabbage someday and adding flour, cream and a little bit of cheese. I defy You then to claim it is tasty. Barf.

  3. Nom nom nom nom nom :)

  4. the cheesy cream sauce sounds like the saving grace of this meal, frankly

  5. I must be misrepresenting it, in that case.


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